
Since its foundation in 1991 the library has become major specialized library with over 15.000 volumes in its collection. The focus of interest is mainly Buddhist literature including the Pali Canon, the sacred texts of the Mahayana, Tibetan writings, the literature of Zen Buddhism and representatives of the great Buddhist philosophical schools. A considerable amount […]

Rector’s Office

Gabor KARSAI rector Dr. Orsolya HOFFMANN vice rector for international and academic affairs Csilla FENYVESSY Secretary of Rector’s Office | +361 280 6712 dr. Amrita PETERFI legal adviser, secretary-general Peter GYORI director for student affairs *** Address: Börzsöny street 11. Budapest 1098 Hungary Phone: (+361) 280-67-12 Fax: (+361) 280-67-14

Uszó Retreat Center

Uszó is the cradle of the Dharma Gate Buddhist Community, a lonely old peasant house deep in the forest of the Bükk mountains, far away from the noisy and crowded towns. It is a place where people can enjoy the beauty of nature and the healing effect of calmness. The house is surrounded a big […]


Address: 1098 Budapest, Börzsöny utca 11. Phone: (+361) 280-67-12 Fax: (+361) 280-67-14 Mobile: (+3670) 339-99-02 E-mail:


Leadership of the Institution Council and Administrators at all Levels of the Institution The highest decision-making body of the college is the Senate. The Senate decides on the annual budget plan, wealth management plan, institutional development plan, amendments in the curricula and the organizational regulations etc. The Senate’s members include the head of the church, […]

Buddhist Communities

Compass-Hu Phone: +36-70-342-2780 (Dombovári Katalin) and +36-70-332-5722 (Pluhár Pál) E-mail: Web: Main webpage : One Drop Zendo Hungary Location: 1065 Budapest, Hajós street 32., half-floor Phone: +36-30-255-5560 (Halász Attila: +36-30-446-2871) E-mail: Web: Khjenkong Dargye Buddhist Community (Beru Khjence Rinpoche and Dzsamgön Kongtrul Rinpoche) Csaba Szlabony (phone: +36-20-229-3623) Anikó Györei – […]

Buddhist Churches

Buddhist communities supported by the State Dharma Gate Buddhist Church Contact person: Zoltan Cser Location: 1098. Budapest, Börzsöny u. 11. Phone: +36-1-280-6712 Email: Web: Diamond Way Buddhist Community Contact person: Peter Major Location: 1074 Budapest, Huszár utca 7-9. Phone/fax: +36-1-321-7025 E-mail: Web: Buddhist Mission, Hungarian Árya Maitreya Mandala Community Contact person: […]

Dharma Gate Buddhist Foundation

In hungarian: A Tan Kapuja Buddhista Alapítványt 1991-ben hozta létre a Tan Kapuja Buddhista Egyház a következő célokkal: a buddhizmus eszméjének, tanainak magyarországi meghonosítását, a magyarországi buddhista közösségek és intézmények támogatását; a nevelést és oktatást, képesség fejlesztést, ismeretterjesztést, kiemelten kezelve a Tan Kapuja Buddhista Főiskola működési feltételeinek javítását, ösztöndíjak alapítását, ösztöndíjak cseréjének megszervezését; a tudományos […]

Kis Tigris Grammar School

The Kis Tigris (Little Tiger) Grammar School was founded by the Dharma Gate Buddhist Church in 2004. The school works in one of the poorest and the most underdeveloped region of Hungary, in a village called Alsószentmárton where hundred percent of the population is Gypsy who speaks also his own Gypsy language. The goal of […]

Milky Way Foundation

The Church has started a foundation in 1997, called “Tejút” (Milky Way), for the research and organization of a primary-and-secondary Buddhist educational system. Further informations: Zoltán Csörgő – phone: 30-991-2766 e-mail:
