Buddhist Churches
Buddhist communities supported by the State Dharma Gate Buddhist Church Contact person: Zoltan Cser Location: 1098. Budapest, Börzsöny u. 11. Phone: +36-1-280-6712 Email: info@tkbe.hu Web: www.tkbe.hu Diamond Way Buddhist Community Contact person: Peter Major Location: 1074 Budapest, Huszár utca 7-9. Phone/fax: +36-1-321-7025 E-mail: info@buddhizmusma.hu Web: www.buddhizmusma.hu Buddhist Mission, Hungarian Árya Maitreya Mandala Community Contact person: […]
Dharma Gate Buddhist Foundation
In hungarian: A Tan Kapuja Buddhista Alapítványt 1991-ben hozta létre a Tan Kapuja Buddhista Egyház a következő célokkal: a buddhizmus eszméjének, tanainak magyarországi meghonosítását, a magyarországi buddhista közösségek és intézmények támogatását; a nevelést és oktatást, képesség fejlesztést, ismeretterjesztést, kiemelten kezelve a Tan Kapuja Buddhista Főiskola működési feltételeinek javítását, ösztöndíjak alapítását, ösztöndíjak cseréjének megszervezését; a tudományos […]
Kis Tigris Grammar School
The Kis Tigris (Little Tiger) Grammar School was founded by the Dharma Gate Buddhist Church in 2004. The school works in one of the poorest and the most underdeveloped region of Hungary, in a village called Alsószentmárton where hundred percent of the population is Gypsy who speaks also his own Gypsy language. The goal of […]
Milky Way Foundation
The Church has started a foundation in 1997, called “Tejút” (Milky Way), for the research and organization of a primary-and-secondary Buddhist educational system. Further informations: www.tejutiskola.hu Zoltán Csörgő – phone: 30-991-2766 e-mail: csorgo.zoltan@tkbf.hu
Dhammapada Foundation
Dhammapada Foundation was founded in 2004 with the objective to establish and operate the first Buddhist monastery of Hungary in line with the Theravada tradition or the teachings of the Elders, and thus to introduce a tradition hitherto almost unknown in Hungary. The Foundation is registered as a non-profit-making organisation.After the establishment of the monastery, it […]
Dharma Gate Buddhist Church
The Dharma Gate Buddhist Church was established at the full moon day of May 1991 (2535) as an umbrella organization for different Hungarian Buddhist communities to combine their efforts in studying, practicing and spreading the Dharma, and to set up a Buddhist institution of higher education. At the time of registration, founding members numbered 108 […]
Decision maker boards in the College: Senate a) Church Mireisz László elnök b) lecturers with church approval (2020.10.21-2024.10.20.): Dr. Balikó György Cser Zoltán Dobosy Antal Dr. Farkas Attila Márton Farkas Pál Dr. Fórizs László Földiné Irt Melinda Karsai Gábor c) lecturers (2020.10.21-2024.10.20.): Dr. Kenéz László Komár Lajos Dr. Körtvélyesi Tibor Dr. Kuzder Rita dr. Németh Norbert […]
Dharma Gate Buddhist Church
The Dharma Gate Buddhist Church was established at the full moon day of May 1991 (2535) as an umbrella organization for different Hungarian Buddhist communities to combine their efforts in studying, practicing and spreading the Dharma, and to set up a Buddhist institution of higher education. At the time of registration, founding members numbered 108 […]
Mission Statement
The Dharma Gate Buddhist College is a religious school of higher education. The designation "Dharma Gate" metaphorically refers to its main mission: to open a gateway to the Buddhist Teaching, or Dharma. This symbolic gesture manifests in the realisation and transmission of the Teaching. The Dharma (or Buddhist teaching) may take manifold forms, but is […]
Mr. Gyori, Peter Director of Student Affairs Ms. Balogh, Petra Senior administrator, Registry Ms. Kerber, Szilvia Senior administrator, Registry Mr. Némethy, András IT administrator Ms. Fenyvessy, Csilla Secretary, Rector’s Office