- Hírek, Kiemelt hírek
A Tan Kapuja Buddhista Főiskola tavaszi nyílt napokat tart 2025. március 22-28. között. A nyílt napokon lesz lehetőség lesz a nappali, az esti és a levelező tagozaton való részvételre!
Leadership of the Institution Council and Administrators at all Levels of the Institution
The highest decision-making body of the college is the Senate. The Senate decides on the annual budget plan, wealth management plan, institutional development plan, amendments in the curricula and the organizational regulations etc. The Senate’s members include the head of the church, the rector, elected full-time and part-time instructors, researchers working for the institution for more than one year as well as elected lecturers who worked for the college for at least three semesters beforehand. Other employees working for the college can also delegate members, in addition to the Student Council which has a maximal 20% of the seats.
The College Council is the preparatory and executive body of the Senate’s deliverances which also makes decisions in questions vested on it by the Senate. The College Council has 10 members. Besides the rector, who is the president of the council, the vice-rector for education is a regular member. The church is represented by three envoys, the departments and other employees by one-one. It constitutes the council’s principle task to oversee the observance of the rules laid down in the organizational regulations. Through this structure the staff and student participation in decision-making and management-related issues is secured. The presence of church representatives in both councils means that stakeholder interests are also always taken into consideration.
A Tan Kapuja Buddhista Főiskola tavaszi nyílt napokat tart 2025. március 22-28. között. A nyílt napokon lesz lehetőség lesz a nappali, az esti és a levelező tagozaton való részvételre!
Harmadik évadával jelentkezik A Tan Kapuja Buddhista Főiskola és A Tan Kapuja Buddhista Egyház közös szervezésű művészeti és kulturális sorozata a Művészetek és gondolatok A Tan Kapujában.
A „Művészetek és gondolatok A Tan Kapujában” soron következő estjén Kassai Lajos íjkészítő mester, a modern kori lovasíjászat megteremtője a vendégünk.