Főoldal > Memberships


Since its foundation, the Dharma Gate Buddhist Church has maintained close contact with several Asian and European Buddhist Communities and institutes and has received guest teachers of all Buddhist philosophical schools.

The Church is a member of the European Buddhist Union since 2005. EBU is a federation of Buddhist communities and organisations in Europe. Being broad and impartial it is open to Buddhists of all schools and traditions. Its principal aims are to promote the fellowship of and encourage co-operation between the Buddhists in Europe: To promote Buddhists in Europe to meet and to get acquainted. To promote the development of friendly relations between Buddhist organizations and consequently to promote co-operation on matters that are of interest to all. As such EBU supports and promotes a natural growth of Buddhism in Europe. In 2010, the Church organised the annual general assembly of EBU in Hungary, in cooperation with the Arya Maitreya Mandala order.

In 2007, the College became a full member of the International Association of Buddhist Universities, being its only European institution of education with fill membership. IABU is an international forum for institutes of Buddhist higher education to network, understand, and benefit from the richness and variety of the multinational Buddhist tradition. In this framework, the College has participated in the organisation of several international conferences. It initiated cooperation in the field of research and education with several Asian institution of Buddhist tertiary education. It is the only affiliated institue of Mahachulalongkorn Rajavidyalaya University (Ayutthaya, Thailand), one of the biggest such institutions in the Theravada world, in Europe.

The College is also a member of the organizing committee of the UN Day of Vesak. It is the spiritual relational establishment and study Dharma working experience of over 800 International Buddhist Delegations come from 90-100 countries. It is simultaneously practical rituals of various Buddhist traditions, Buddhist sects over the world in order to constitute effectively large belief on good value of Buddhism and bring a peaceful and friendly to society.



Nyílt napok A Tan Kapuján

A Tan Kapuja Buddhista Főiskola tavaszi nyílt napokat tart 2025. március 22-28. között. A nyílt napokon lesz lehetőség lesz a nappali, az esti és a levelező tagozaton való részvételre!


Idén is Művészetek és gondolatok A Tan Kapujában

Harmadik évadával jelentkezik A Tan Kapuja Buddhista Főiskola és A Tan Kapuja Buddhista Egyház közös szervezésű művészeti és kulturális sorozata a Művészetek és gondolatok A Tan Kapujában.
